About Sokool.Net

About the Sokool.net web-site

This "responsive" web site serves as a home to SokoolTools and is used primarily by its author to showcase (or more importantly, to experiment with) the latest Microsoft .NET web technologies.
The site has been finely crafted using the following resources: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 5, Razor, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap, Popper, Font-Awesome, jQuery, jQuery-UI, and more...
The data displayed in both the Photos1 view and Photos2 view, as well as the Videos view is generated 'dynamically' by the ASP.Net server by reading all assets placed into the designated web folders using high speed parallel processing.
The Photos2 view provides a user friendly interface using a Bootstrap photo carousel/slide show.
The specific Video view utilizes a jQuery-UI draggable, non-modal dialog to display the corresponding lyrics since this is not otherwise possible using BootStrap.
It also uses a separate BootStrap Tab for categorizing the videos. Some javascript had to be created to correctly activate the current nav tab and the video tab corresponding to the current MVC View.
NOTE: If you are interested, other Microsoft Window's based projects created by this author can be found on Github using this link: SokoolTools.github.io/